12 Things to do before you start a business



1- Confirm the product for your New Business-

The product should be confirmed because based on that we will be building the business. It can be a product or a service and it should be finalized because if the product changes then again the whole concept might change.

Find a product
1- Confirming the product

2 – THE NAME – Finalize a name related to start a business or Product

The name should not be decided on what is easy for you or what is emotional to you. Not that you can’t do that but getting a name that is easy to spell, and easy to communicate with your product should be done because it will be catchy. For ex: if you are selling biscuits that have iron vitamins in them and you plan to use them as Unique Selling Point (USP), naming your store Iron products or Iron Vitamins, will have the wrong effect. People may call you for all the wrong reasons. None of them would ever dream of it as a Biscuit. So name something catchy and not very common. Ex: Iron Biscuits for Kids might seem good but it will be hard to establish it as a brand because any other biscuit could sell or gain popularity through your brand.

check name
3- Checking the Name
Find a name
2 - Finalizing a Name

3 -Check if  the name to your small business is not in use or discontinued –


  1. If the name is still in use – A name still in use whether registered or not is not good to reuse.
  2. Whether the name had been in use earlier – Sometimes the name might have been in use earlier and dropped now due to some copyright or trademark issues or just because the owner was an ill-fated one. Whatever it is, it’s better to search for another name.
  3. Whether it is registered with anyone – The name might be not visible in use but might be registered to someone as his second product or for his next product launch.

4 – Domain name

Checking if that name is available on the domain is one of the things to do before starting a Business. You know the importance of Digital. So a name for which you won’t get a website is better not to start with. Most of the good trending names are blocked by the website sellers or related people in expectation of a better price which sometimes is even crores.
Finding a domain name is hard work but rewarding and the foundation to your online world. 

Domain name
4 - Domain Name
4-com or in

5 – .COM or. IN

Even if it’s available make sure that you get the ‘ .com’ else someone may come with .com and get a better google ranking. People automatically go to .com when they have a website name. So, if your competitor has the .com and you use .in there is a very good chance that your competitor’s business will boom.

 6 – Brand the Colors & Fonts before you start a business

Select branding colors & font and then design everything including log, website, documents, etc. Once the brand color is fixed, all designs must have the same pattern in font, company name background colors, even invert colors must be accordingly.

This helps in recoginition of the name thru a visual, color and identify one to it. I still remember the brand color of Unitech and whenever i see the light lime green color, I remember them.

6 - Brand the plan
7 - Designing

7 – Designing

Prepare logo, favicon, font, etc based on brand color & font. Take your time and think – Look around you for innovative creatives, Get the help from Nature and its design, Go for a trip with friends – All these help in to awaken the creative in you or atleast to see a creative and copy. The better, innovative and attractive – the more its viral.

8 – Address

The address is now not just the physical presence but also the abstract. Prepare email, WhatsApp & phone number for contact. More than the physical address, people prefer whatsapp or email where things get done or can be done without waiting for the other ones presence. You can shoot your request at your time and they can answer on their convenient hour but an answer is sure. So you can do your other chores while waiting for it.So establish your online presence before you start a business

8 - Address
9- Social Media

9 –Social Media

Once the name, logo, phone number, WhatsApp etc is done, prepare for the Social media and build your presence from Facebook to Tumbler. Without any say, social media is the place people spend most of the time. Earlier it was either school, office or even bed that you spend most of the time but with the advent of Social media most of us spent even cray hours like 12 to 18 hours daily on it – Preparing, desinging, commenting shooting etc.

10 – Print

Prepare your print medium, now that you have got your Brand attributes and social media presence. Now it’s time to announce your presence. So prepare at least Visiting card, Leaflet, Brochure, or such things to make you notice. Special offers would be the icing on the cake. Even though online is strong, people still love to read a printed matter or store it or talk on it with friends and family. It is also a piece of reminder more than a pdf in whatsapp which gets buried as messages flow.

10 -Print
10 - Bloggers

11 – Blog

Prepare content, blog, and other materials. For a website prepare at least 20 blogs so you can post alternately. Blogs should be the source for others to come to you – so write relatedly. Blog is also the source for Keyword campaigning. If done correctly its a piece of art else its a rag – Anyway its a dobule edge sword.


12 – Bloggers Font to start a business

What font do bloggers use? Since these typefaces have a more modern feel and still look good at lower screen resolutions, designers typically use sans serif fonts for blog posts and web documents. Most common San serif fonts: Arial, Verdana, and Futura.

Comment below with your email id, if you want to know any more details on careers.

For an adventurous career – www.gmoffrolls.com

For more exciting Blogs: NewsReport24x7.com/blog

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